Metida de Pata
In response to his critics, Diego said this:
“All the faggots that are talking now because I put on a Brazil jersey are just that, ‘faggots.’ With the pardon of those people, who I respect very much. That being said, I would never wear the jersey of River [Plate, the rival club of Diego’s beloved Boca Juniors].”
The reaction in the press has been mild bemusement.
Do you think he receive a bonus for wearing the shirt? Or that he actually chose to wear it himself? Maybe nothing else was clean that day? Or maybe he was just having a fat day.
As I understand, he made $150,000 for the stunt - it's a World Cup-themed soft drink ad.
And here's a link to the ad.
I've always found "faggot" to be an aggressive translation of "puto," but it is definitely a common one.
its the truth: ninguem faz igual.
aguante la fama y diego.
el g
But here "puto" can be equally agressive. (I don't have a good sense of how it's used in Mexico.)
Not elegant, certainly, but the only word I could think of that preserves both the force and the original meaning of the word.
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