Reach Out and Touch Faith
To get inside, we had passed through a doorway with no sign, marked only by a bored, hulking doorman. There was, thankfully, no velvet rope. Down a long corridor, up a short flight of stairs, through an unmarked door.
And there we were: beneath a forty-foot vaulted ceiling, pacing the checkerboard floor of a deconsecrated church.
The pews and the altar have been replaced with a small bar and a platform for the DJ. The ceilings are painted with glitter. There were lots of black lights and, above the exit, a huge screen playing a Morrissey video.
At first, the music was a pretty lame selection of top forty stuff from the past three decades, Stones mixed with the B-52, etc. Then, as people started arriving, the music got focus: The Cure, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, etc.
By three the place was packed, a young crowd that resembled the bands we were listening to.
I kept up a steady, goofy shuffle until 4:30, and then I could no more.
A google search reveals that the locale may also double as a milonga during less vampiric hours.
Well worth checking out, at whatever hour.
Is this La Catedral?? Has it been re-opened for long? It was closed down by the authorities in Oct-Nov when I was there, and unfortunately did not get to make the pilgrammage for a milonga there.
I heard it was closed - but perhaps with a greased palm or two, it's been rehabilitado. Goes by the name of Soma. Or SoMa. Piola, en todo caso.
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